HESCO Automotive & Performance Center Blog

by HESCO Automotive 01 May, 2024
A healthy cooling system plays a crucial role in preventing major engine damage from overheating. At the first sign of a cooling system issue, it’s best to alert the mechanic. At HESCO Automotive & Performance Center, we provide expert cooling system repair in the greater Birmingham, AL area. Here’s a look at four warning signs of cooling system trouble. Rising Temperature Gauge One of the most obvious signs of a cooling system problem is a rising temperature gauge on your dashboard. If you notice that your temperature gauge is creeping into the red zone, it's a clear indication that something is wrong with your cooling system. Ignoring this warning sign could lead to severe engine damage due to overheating. Coolant Leaks Coolant plays a crucial role in regulating engine temperature by absorbing heat and dissipating it through the radiator. If you spot puddles of coolant under your vehicle or notice a sweet smell coming from the engine compartment, there’s reason to be concerned about a coolant leak. Leaks can occur in various parts of the cooling system, from hoses to the water pump. Addressing coolant leaks ASAP can prevent overheating and costly repairs. Steam or Smoke from the Engine Seeing steam or smoke billowing from the engine bay is an obvious sign of trouble. This commonly indicates that coolant is leaking onto hot engine components and evaporating, creating steam. If you notice steam or smoke coming from your engine, find a safe place to pull over and turn off the vehicle to help prevent further damage. Abnormal Noises Unusual noises coming from the engine bay, such as grinding or squealing, can also indicate cooling system problems. These noises may be caused by a malfunctioning water pump or loose belt. Ignoring these noises can lead to further damage and costly repairs. Cooling System Repair in Birmingham, AL When you need auto repair in Birmingham and the surrounding area, contact HESCO Automotive & Performance Center at (205) 526-3796. At our local auto shop, we can expertly address your vehicle’s repair and maintenance needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
by Hesco Automotive 01 Apr, 2024
A healthy braking system is crucial for optimizing safety on the road, making it important to address any signs of brake trouble ASAP. At HESCO Automotive & Performance Center, we provide expert brake repair in the greater Birmingham, AL area. We’ll make sure that your car can be trusted to stop smoothly and safely. Here’s a look at five common signs of a brake problem. Squealing or Grinding Noises A high-pitched squealing sound often means that the brake pads have worn down significantly. When this happens, the indicator comes into contact with the brake rotor, producing the squealing noise. Grinding noises suggest that the brake pads have completely worn out, putting your rotors at risk of damage. Vibrations/Pulsations If you feel vibrations or pulsations when braking, it could indicate warped brake rotors. Warped rotors can develop due to excessive heat generated during braking. When the brake pads press against a warped rotor, it causes an uneven braking surface, resulting in vibrations. Soft or Spongy Brake Pedal A soft or spongy brake pedal is a sign of issues such as air in the brake lines or a brake fluid leak. If your car is leaking brake fluid, you’ve got a serious safety hazard. In this situation, you should get towed to the shop instead of driving your car there. Veering A stuck brake caliper can cause the vehicle to veer off to one side. Sometimes, calipers seize up due to corrosion. With this symptom, you’re at serious risk of causing an accident, so you shouldn’t operate your vehicle until this problem is resolved. Brake Warning Light If your vehicle's brake warning light illuminates, it indicates a problem with the braking system that requires immediate attention. The issue could range from a low brake fluid level to a malfunctioning sensor. Ignoring the brake warning light can result in further damage to the brake system and compromise your safety on the road, so this issue should be promptly brought to the mechanic’s attention. Brake Repair in Birmingham, AL When you need auto repair in Birmingham and the surrounding area, contact HESCO Automotive & Performance Center at (205) 526-3796. At our local auto shop, we can expertly handle your vehicle’s repair and maintenance needs. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
by HESCO Automotive 29 Feb, 2024
Ignoring signs of engine trouble can lead to breakdowns and increasingly expensive damage. When you first suspect that an engine issue is developing, it’s best to have the mechanic take a look. At HESCO Automotive & Performance Center, we provide expert engine repair in the greater Birmingham, AL area. Here are five warning signs of an engine problem. Unusual Noises It’s important to investigate unusual sounds such as knocking, pinging, hissing, or grinding. These noises can be a result of worn-out components, loose belts, or issues within the combustion process. Any abnormal sounds should be promptly brought to the mechanic’s attention. Overheating Overheating can cause serious engine damage. Issues with the cooling system often lead to overheating. Signs of a cooling system problem include a high reading on the temperature gauge, coolant leaks, and steam/smoke emerging from under the hood. Illuminated Check Engine Light If your check engine light turns on, it doesn’t automatically indicate that your engine is on the cusp of failure. But you should still get to the shop ASAP for diagnostics. This way, the issue can be identified and addressed before it gets worse. Common reasons the check engine light illuminates include issues with oxygen sensors, MAF sensors, and catalytic converters. Discolored/Excessive Smoke from the Exhaust Different colors of smoke can point to specific issues. For instance, black smoke might indicate a rich fuel mixture, white smoke could be a sign of a damaged head gasket, and blue smoke might suggest burning oil. Discolored/excessive exhaust smoke should be investigated promptly. Fluid Leaks Leaking fluids under your parked car can indicate various problems, and some of them may be related to the engine. Engine oil and coolant leaks are particularly concerning. Regularly check for puddles or spots under your car, as addressing fluid leaks promptly can prevent serious damage to the engine components. Engine Repair in Birmingham, AL When you need engine repair in Birmingham, AL and the surrounding area, contact HESCO Automotive & Performance Center at (205) 526-3796. Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
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